I've had my trusty Canon PowerShot A75 for several years. It's a bit clunky, but I saw no reason to get a new one. Until now. A while back, the LCD display didn't work and it wouldn't take photos. Tapping the camera fixed both symptoms for a while, until tapping was needed again. Now, though, the LCD display won't work even after tapping; I can still take and download photos, but I have to use the viewfinder to position shots. I'm not feeling confident that this will continue to work, though.
So I'm finally ready to free some moths by opening my wallet! Since the features important to me* are likely the same as those important to my fellow flower and foliage photographers, please let me know what camera you love and why. Thanks so much in advance!
*Point and shoot, good closeup capability, optical zoom of at least 3x, slim camera size. Megapixel resolution not so important.
Although I do like it, mine's too big for what you're looking for Monica - It's a Sony DCS-H7. I hope you get some good suggestions that will fit your needs and your wish list!
ReplyDeleteThe Kodak EasyShare cameras are pretty good, though I don't like it for macros, tho it can take some good ones...when I can figure out how to make it do so...
ReplyDeleteI still like my old Nikon best, and most of all because the frame turns so that I can position the lens down, or to the side, while I can still look directly into the LCD...
Good luck!
Hi Monica, I'm afraid I can't help much either. I choose cameras for long telephoto shots of birds. Funny, I actually like a larger, heaver camera.
Garden Girl and Marnie, If I had a lot more money to spend or I was a professional photographer, I'd definitely get a bigger, more feature-based camera. As it is, I hate lugging stuff with me--I don't even tend to carry a purse!--and the basic features will do me.
ReplyDeleteNancy, I'm thinking of a Nikon Coolpix, just some reviews aren't so great. But they're pretty colors! Macors are definitely a plus for me; I didn't realize my camera could do it, but it can.
~ Monica
I have the coolpix but I'm thinking of upgrading to a camera with more features myself. I'm considering another Nikon or a Cannon.
ReplyDeleteGo with Sony Cybershot. Great close up and with a decent zoom. I have the DSC-W170. Fab camera but dislikes getting fine beach sand in its innards - who does?
ReplyDeleteI've got the latest Canon Powershot. Like you I'd like a fancy camera with more features, but I suspect if I did I wouldn't take it with me everywhere like I do the Powershot.
ReplyDeleteIf it's just for blog photos it's fine. And it has a good macro feature for flower close-ups.
YOu asked about Dahlias over at my place. We're supposed to dig them up each year, but being a lazy gardener I give them a nice snuggly thick layer of mulch instead. As they're close to a wall I think this plus the mulch gives them a pretty good protection. I'm approx Zone 8 BTW.
I'm not much help here either since I've never use my LCD, only my viewfinder, prefering larger SLR cameras and interchangeable lenses. My first digital was a Nikon Coolpix Christmas gift and while I enjoyed the ease, exchanged it for a Konica Milolta (no no longer availabe ~ bought out by Sony) which I loved as an introductory camera. Good luck ... there are many great sites for comparison but word of mouth is the best.
ReplyDeleteOh Monica, da kann ich Dir leider gar nicht raten, ich habe im Moment nur eine billige Klein-Digi. Aber ich werde bei Dir spechten und linsen und gucken und spionieren und hoffe, dass Du viele gute Ratschläge bekommst, bei denen ich dann partizipieren kann, da ich auch auf der Suche nach einer schönen neuen Kamera bin.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Halloween Grüsse vom Wurzerl
Ich verwende eine Finepix S700, die dir aber wahrscheinlich zu gross ist. Das einzige negative: der Blitz ist nicht besonders stark. Nachtbilder kommen nicht sehr gut heraus.
ReplyDeleteLG, Bek
Peri (that's you, perennialgardener),
ReplyDeleteEven though my Canon is acting up, I really do like all its features, so I may stick with Canon, though Nikon is the other brand name I'm partial to (based on reviews I've read. I love cnet.com!).
Garden Girl also recommends a Sony but I admit I'm a bit prejudiced to prefer long-standing camera-maker brands, not electronics companies who have gotten into the digi camera market. Still, I will definitely check cnet.com for review on Sony cameras. It's not like I can't be won over by facts! ;-)
Veep (that's you, VP!),
I do like the Canon overall, and once I figured out it even HAD a macro feature, I'm happy with it! I figured your weather might be warm enough to overwinter dahlias in the ground--lucky you! I'm in zone 5b. (P.S. You're not lazy, you're calm in a crisis!)
I was not an immediate convert to lining up the shot using the LCD, but found it really helpful, especially when using the macro feature; the camera takes a while to focus properly and in the LCD I can see when the image is crisp. PLus, my eyes aren't the greatest and having a bigger window is nice. That being said, I miraculously captured some cool closeups today through the viewfinder.
Wurzi (das bist Du, Wurzerl!), feiert man heutzutage in Deutschland nun auch Halloween? Ist heute Laterne Laufen, oder ist das in Dezember??
Dein Model hat sehr gute user reviews, was mir wichtig ist, aber es stimmt sie ist mir ein bisschen gross--aber jedoch sehr preiswert! Ich wird sehen, wie ich mich entscheide. Fugi hat wahrscheinlich auch andere Modele. Der Flash waere kein Problem; in fact denke ich dass mein canon zu oft den Flash benutzt (obwohl ich es umstellen kann, so dass ich entscheide wann dass ist.)
Hi Monica - just thought I'd let you know I've posted today about my winter Dahlia care. Thanks for asking the question on last week's post. I've linked to you today as a thank you :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I do like Veep - it rhymes with beep!
I swear by my Canon Rebel XTi, but that's not quite what you are looking for. I hope you are successful!
ReplyDeleteI like my canon power shot, however it's only a 3x zoom and you may be much happier with the newer model that has 10x zoom!! (I'm saving my pennies for a newer model!)
ReplyDeleteI started with a Nikon coolpix, a whopping 2 mp. Then we bought the Panasonic Lumix, which I still use and it is wonderful. It has a Leicia lens that is spectacular. I just got the Canon Xsi which is starting me on the road to DSLR's. And wow they are nice.
Hallo Monica, ich habe Deine Frage nach der Kamera eben erst gelesen.
ReplyDeleteIch habe eine Sony Cybershot DSC T77, die ist superklein, macht aber ganz tolle Bilder!!!! Ich hatte vorher eines der Vorgängermodelle, die Sony Cybershot T7 und war absolut zufrieden, sowohl mit der Bildqualität als auch mit dem Handling.Die Bilder in meinem blog sind alle mit dieser Kamera gemacht. Seit Samstag habe ich nun die neue Kamera und bin begeistert!
Liebe Grüße, Monika
I have the same camera ---Canon fixed at no charge; its a defect in the cdd (some detector...)