Dieser Betrag is für Elke's Project Adventskalender 2009, wo Teilnehmer über die Adventszeit schreiben. So daß Elke's Leser/Leserinnen sich hier zu Hause fühlen, schreibe ich diesen Betrag auch auf deutsch. Jedenfalls mal sehen, ob ich es hin kriege! Wie ein Adventskalender, zähle ich auch die Tage bis zu Weihnachten, mit jährlichen Bräuchen.

I can't remember not having this Advent calendar. My mom used to put little treats in there for me and I've been putting in my own treats for a long time now, too!

I always thought my grandmother made this, but my mom told me a few years ago my grandmother hated handicrafts and so would have had to buy it. Well, someone hand made it, anyway!

I love making evergreen arrangements and also leading workshops on making them. This one was made by a participant a few years back.
Ich gehe gerne zu deutschen Weihnachtsmärkten, obwohl die hier in den USA nicht sehr bekannt sind. Die besten Zwei die ich kenne sind Beide 5 Stunden entfernt: der Chicago Christkindlmarkt und der Christkindl Market in Kitchener, Kanada. Dieses Jahr war ich an den in Chicago.
I enjoy going to German Christmas markets, although they aren't very common here in the US. My two favorites are each five hours away, in opposite directions: the Chicago Christkindlmarkt and the Christkindl Market in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. This year I visited the one in Chicago.

You can't have a German Christmas market without nutcrackers!

The colors of these ornaments reflect the warmth of the season.
Für mehr Fotos und einen bessern Bericht von den Chicago Christkindmarkt, sehe bitte meinen Betrag von letzen Jahr.
For more photos and a better narrative of the Chicago Christmas Market, please see my post from last year.

I wrote about outdoor holiday decorations in this post, but indoor decorations are nice, too. While in Chicago, we visited Macy's. The Tiffany ceiling is sparkly and decorative all on its own, all year long, but these wonderful garlands decked the halls and reached to the ceiling.

I also love decorating my home. I decorate my Norfolk Island pine, Piney, as my main Christmas tree. She's about 5 ft tall and almost as wide at the top.

All her ornaments are from the 1960s or earlier.

Piney is fine now, though she suffered a few years from some damage in a hailstorm in June, 2006.

I have Mini Me Piney, who's about 2 ft tall, in my bedroom.

When decorating the floppy-branched Norfolk Island pine, you need things to lay on top of the branches, too. I love these old mini garlands, made of mercury balls, mercury bells, and yarn.

I love retro snowmen, especially the largest one. He's somewhat the worse for wear, but that doesn't matter...

... because I love his wonderful face!

This bell us old, too, but I love it. That's Penny who died in 2001. She always loved the holiday season.

I bought this little smoker house at last year's Chicago Christmas Market. The mushroom part lifts off and you place an incense cone inside, and then smoke comes out of the chimney. Sweet!

These old little angels are new to me this year and I love them. I have a lot of similar ones from Japan, but these are German.
Mehr Fotos von meinen Dekorationen findet man in diesem Post.
For more photos of my holiday decorations, see this post.

Norwalerweise säe ich auch an diesem Tag mein ersten Winter-gesäeten Container.
On December 21, the winter solstice, I always have a little bonfire. Because a city ordinance requires fires to be containable, I make them in my trusty Weber grill, with the lid handy and nearby. I often also host a solstice party.
I also usually plant my first winter-sown container on this day.

My cats wear bows on December 24 (which is Christmas Day to me). James thinks this means he is very special and loved. Fiona thinks it's ridiculous.

From here in Ann Arbor, I wish everyone merry Christmas and a glad new year!
Da lässt du uns aber an schönen eindrücken teilhaben!! Vielen lieben Dank!
ReplyDeleteMerry X-Mas - Donna
Liebe Monica, jetzt habe ich gleich mal geschaut und mich umgehend an Deinen Christkindl-Post vom letzten Jahr erinnert. Die beiden kleinen Engelchen gefallen mir auch. Aber total schön sind Deine alten Christbaum-Ornamente. Dafür bezahlt man heute glatt ein kleines Vermögen. Auch Deine übrige Deko ist herzallerliebts, vor allem das Räucherhäuschen.
ReplyDeleteNun wünsche ich Dir ein frohes Weihnachtsfest in der Umgebung Deiner wunderschönen Deko. Ich finde es total süß, dass Du James und Fiona mit Schleifen schmückst. Unsere beiden würden es glaube ich nicht mögen und versuchen, die Schleifen wieder abzustreifen.
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Monica,
ReplyDeletedu hast uns ein wunderbares Türchen beschert, ganz herzlichen Dank. Und ich weiß es wirklich zu schätzen, wieviel Mühe du dir mit der deutschen Version gegeben hast. Manches lässt mich schmunzeln, aber alles ist sehr gut zu verstehen. Deine Fotos sind sehr schön und stimmungsvoll. Dass du aus Ann Arbor, Michigan kommst, habe ich nun auch registriert - sorry für de Irrtum. Ich vermute mal, dass deine Mutter deutschstämmig ist, du aber bereits in den USA geboren wurdest. Ist das richtig? -
Nun wünsche ich dir ein schönes Weihnachtsfest - Merry Christmas - und spätestens im nächsten Jahr siehst du mich hier auf deinem Blog wieder.
Herzliche Grüße
Liebe Monica,
ReplyDeleteein sehr schöner Beitrag zu Elke's Adventkalender.
Herrliche Weihnachtsdekorationen
verschönern nun unsere Städte, Häuser, Gärten und sogar die Miezekatzen.
Von Ann Arbor nach Toronto sind es "nur" 387 km oder 241 miles.
Vielleicht planst Du in 2010 einen
Trip in unsere Gegend, dann zeige ich Dir gern unsere Stadt Toronto.
Bitte kontaktiere mich unter ghbachATmoose-mail.com.
Nochmals vielen Dank für Dein
Merry Christmas,
Santa Monica, that was a wonderful peek into your decorations and traditions for this special time of year, thanks! I loved seeing all the German goodies and Piney and Minime Piney too. I want to say again how wonderful your header is. I feel like I am on a third wall enjoying this animated conversation! Do tell, what did you winter sow? I am not sure what to try outside. :-)
Good job you posted in English as well - my German is WAY too rusty nowadys!!!
ReplyDeleteFabulous photos and I love the mini me piney in your bedroom ... wonder if Himself would go for that next year?!
I've been to 2 German Christmas markets this year - in Nottingham and Manchester, and came back with a fwe goodies but I still love the old decorations that are on our tree!
Have a wonderful Christmas :)
Monica, what a treat to see your decorations. I love the family ones-they hold such special memories don't they? Piney Mini Me is way too cute! I would so like to take an evergreen class from you. You certainly are a multi talented woman. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a very Merry Christmas and an especially wonderful New Year! Hugs to you!!
Happy Holidays to you, Monica! I love this post and hearing about your ornaments and traditions. It's also set me off on a journey into my family memories~childhood and married life! We have a dozen or so ornaments from the fifties that we bought our first Christmas~~I love them! Every year I gently unpack them to put on the tree...for years they were on the highest branches~~M was a rambunctious boy! Then later repack to store safely in the attic! Thank you for sharing and for allowing me to ramble on! xxgail
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun post Monica. Your trek through the German market was such fun no doubt. There is such a market not far from where I live. In a small village named Ferdinand. I have been to it before. I bought a blown glass ornament there. Your Trees are beautiful. I love the pines. I haven't been able to grow one. boo Seeing yours all decorated makes me want to try again. Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you and the sweet kitties, too! I tried to go to the Kristkindlmarket this year but we picked a Saturday with above-freezing temps and it was so crowded we could barely move. I love your bonfire - looks like some of our outdoor grilling experiments :)
ReplyDeleteWow bi-lingal blogging, a first for me! I adore hand made decorations and oh my goodness I totally want your pre-60s tree decorations, so fab, things like that so often get lost and broken. A lovely post ~ Merry Christmas xx
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Monica! Nothing says "bonfire" like a Weber grill (at least when I try to use one). Thanks for posting the photo inside Marshall Fields (Macy's); I didn't make it down there this year because my mom got sick and we had to cancel.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Monica!
ReplyDeleteI love that snowman, the crooked mouth makes him look so apathetic and make me laugh.
I really enjoyed reading about your special Christmas ornaments Monica. Your bedroom must be a such a cosy spot on Christmas Eve, with that little Minime Piney glowing in the dark and those two bowtied cats curled up for a snooze :) Wishing you much peace and happiness at Christmas and in the new year!
ReplyDeleteThe handiwork on your advent calender is beautiful Monica! Your decked halls look so happy with the trees and all the other decorations.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
Hello Monica,
ReplyDeletemany Season Greetings from Heidelberg/Germany. I enjoyed your post about the Chicago Christmas Market, your decorations, and your Norfolk Island pine - it's really a wonderful idea ;)
But i was surprised that you although celebrate the winter solstice. Anticipating the return of spring is an older tradition than christmas; and you keep this tradition up. That's great!
"The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas"
Merry Christmas and a happy new year, kalle
I'm so glad you wrote this in English as well, Monica. It was fun trying to translate the German, but I've forgotten so much that I think I would have had a very strange understanding of what you had said:) I love all your holiday decorations! The Advent calendar is such a wonderful tradition. I actually made one when my children were young and hung it for many years until it started looking really shabby. The kids loved counting down the days! I think it's neat that you not only have a real tree, but one that lives at your home year-round. Mini-Piney is a cutey, too. And tell James and Fiona that I think they're both special and look quite festive in their holiday bows.
ReplyDeleteFrohe Weihnacten--I do hope that still means a very Merry Christmas!
Beautiful decorations, Monica! I particularly like the mushroom ornament.
ReplyDeleteThat hailstorm in June looks very dramatic!
I love German Christmas markets too - there's usually one in Sunderland a few miles away, but I haven't had the time to go this year.
Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for your lovely blog, which I have so enjoyed throughout the year!
Monica I so enjoyed reading about and seeing what Christmas means to you. It is nice to see that you communicated in German your heritage. Perhaps you'll meet new friends from your homeland!I remember when I visited your village in Germany city of roses I was told, and posted about it..well that's when we met and have become blog buddies since! Perhaps in the coming New Year we can meet in person on my way to or from Arizona because I pass through Michigan on route.
ReplyDeleteI can see from this post that you delight in this season of JOY! Wishing you a Merry Chritmas!
love and light aNNa xo
That's funny about your grandmother not making the calendar. I love your snowman too although he looks like he has some ambivalence about the holidays. lol
ReplyDeleteHave a good Christmas!
Merry Christmas Monica! Our cats would never let us put bows on them, yours must be extremely tolerant!
ReplyDeleteGerman Christmas markets seem to be all the rage here in the UK this year - I've seen several of them.
Here's to a wonderful 2010
Came to wish you a very Happy Christmas Monica.
ReplyDeleteGerman markets . . . I've got a grinding guilt . . . a couple of weeks ago I came across an open fronted tent where a group of Germans had mulled wine. I don't know whether they were selling it or offering it or quite what - but it was dark, and it was raining on and off. They were stuck in a square which is busy during the daytime but bleak and empty at night. I don't drink alchohol and don't speak German. They called out a greeting and I shouted back 'hello' . . . then hurried on . . . and felt guilty. It must have been a miserable place for them to stop and I have no idea why they were there and I didn't feel inclined to stop off and stand in the cold with them . . . but still feel bad that I couldn't see a way to be friendly to strangers in a strange land.
Hope you and your cats and your mum are all having a warm and festive time. We had our Christmas meal on Christmas Eve so Christmas Day is being very peaceful in our family. Hope yours is just as lovely.
I loved this post from start to finish...so many beautiful things to see...and culminating with those darling cats...:)
ReplyDeleteWishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and joyous blessings for 2010 :)
Monica, I wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for the new year! I'm happy we were able to meet in real life this year! I hope we'll have the opportunity to see each other again in 2010. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteLOL, if I put bows on my cats we would see some amazing bucking, rolling and gymnastics. My cats would think they were being horribly mistreated;)
ReplyDeleteYour Norfolk pine looks so pretty with the decorations. That is really a very good idea.
I had wanted to visit some after Christmas sales this year and pick up some new ornaments. Didn't get to a single one because of the snow storm.
Some good gluhwein and brotchen would be most welcomed right now to go along with my trip to Deutschland. You have a Gluckisches Neues Jahr Monica.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Monica, I like your new header - very convivial and expressive.
ReplyDeleteHope the mention on Esther's Boring Garden Blog is ok.
Hope you are continuing to enjoy Christmas.
'prawnit' - what kind of word verification is that!
This post sure boosted my holiday cheer! Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful decorations and traditions! :)
ReplyDeleteMonica, lovely post as always! I loved reading the German - I took it in high school and college but haven't practiced in such a long time. I never spoke it much but loved to read it.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing your kitties, and loved the nutcrackers! My aunt has a whole collection of nutcrackers - must be 100 of them!!!
I am finishing your bag TODAY, but I have misplaced you address, I know, I'm a dork. Please email me a replacement at debra.middleton@sbcglobal.net
ReplyDeleteEndlich komme ich mal wieder dazu, dich zu besuchen. Ein wunderschoener, langer Beitrag! Toll, dass du deine Christbaeume jedes Jahr wieder verwendest. Ich wuerde gerne mal zu einen Christkindlmarkt hier gehen, aber so ganz in der Naehe gibt es sie nicht und dann fehlt mir im Dezember immer die Zeit dazu, weiter wohin zu fahren.
ReplyDeleteIch wuensch dir einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr und liebe Gruesse,
Ann Arbor? Howdy neighbor - I'm just about 45 minutes south of you in Monroe. Your advent post is lovely - and lots of nice decorations. Of course I especially like the decorated cats, having 3 of them myself.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year.
Monica, you would feel at home with all the ornaments & doo-dads lovingly packed away in our garage! Many from Germany, & Austria (my parent's home country). They delight me too.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog, but have to add a correction. Someone else already caught it, but worth repeating for true Chicagoans - that place with the beautiful Tiffany ceilings was MARSHALL FIELD'S! Despite the "Macy's" on the doors! :^) They are just temporarily occupying that space, hee hee.
Gute rutsch ins Neu Jahr! Prosit!
Dear Monica,
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit late but have to tell you that I love this Christmas post of yours. You have so many lovely decorations and many have a wonderful story to tell.
It was good to see that you did not forget your sweet Penny and decorated her picture.
Loved the bonfire in your Weber, will you be very surprised to know that I have one too? I read most of your post in German, a language that I associate with many things Christmassy.
Moving on to your next post!
Hi Monica,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed scrolling down and seeing what you'd posted since I was last here reading about your haul of leaves. I'm glad I asked for a neighbor's 8 bags of leaves before the snow came.
You have lots of awesome holiday photos! My dad's parents were Germans from Russia. I took 2 years of German in high school, hoping to be able to have conversations with my great grandma who didn't speak much English. My German never got to that point.
Happy New Year!
I haven't been able to grow one. boo Seeing yours all decorated makes me want to try again